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The leading network and resource B2B eCommerce industry professionals and partners.
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The B2B eCommerce Association is the leading resource and network for B2B focussed practitioners who want to succeed in digital commerce and transformational change.
Digital commerce is changing not only how businesses are transacting but also the very nature of their relationships. This includes all business partnerships, including r...
Are you a distributor looking to stand out in the competitive market? Learn how some of the midmarket industrial distributors use technology to empower their partners and...
Oro ranked second highest for the B2B Digital Commerce Use Case with a score of 3.98/5 in the 2022 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Digital Commerce Platforms. Download...
This guide from Intershop highlights key drivers for success in B2B digital commerce, including the importance of creating a customer-centric strategy, providing a person...
The world of B2B commerce is changing. Business buyers are highly influenced by what they are used to as B2C consumers. As a result, the buying experience has become a ke...
Businesses need to make it easier for customers and supply chain partners to find, select, buy and install the right spare parts – not only in the automotive sector. Buye...
If you believe that replatforming projects are inevitably disruptive, impact all areas of the legacy solution, drive up hidden costs and cause unpredictable delays, this...
Replatforming – the changeover to a modern B2B e-commerce solution that is designed to meet the growing expectations of demanding B2B customers – is very often believed t...
A digital sales channel comes with a wide range of business benefits, which in total generate more revenue and greater competitiveness. Learn how to invest right and achi...
Intershop's MVP approach enables you to quickly implement a fully functional e-commerce platform and further develop and adapt it to customer needs and market requirement...